Federal Government New Home Retrofit Grant Program
I just love Green Initiatives! The federal government has launched a new program that offers homeowners grants to retrofit their homes and make them more energy-efficient. The Canada Greener Home Grants program, funded to the tune of $2.6 billion, will offer homeowners grants of up to $5,000 that can be put toward energy-saving projects such […]
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Taking Your Home to Net-Zero
Here are four ways you can bring your home to net-zero to produce as much energy as you use and start saving you money at the same time. 1. Get an energy model done for your home to prioritize the stages of your project. This is critical because it tells you how much insulation you […]
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Selling a Parent’s Home
I’ve been spending all my non-working time the last few weeks getting my Dad’s home ready to sell and I know first hand what a stressful time it is. I’ve waded through decades of saved letters, papers and photos, I’ve scrubbed and cleaned, I’ve painted and drywalled, I’ve finished laying unfinished hardwood and hung new […]
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